Immediately after your purchase, our system emails download instructions to the email address you used to make your purchase, subject: Sailing Video Download Instructions. If you don’t receive this email within a few minutes of your purchase, please check your spam or junk folder. The email may have ended up there. If you can’t find the message, email us and request that we send you the instructions again.

The instruction email contains a link to your download page. After your purchase, you have a 4-day window to download your files with 3 attempts per file. When you log into the download page, be sure to use the same email address you used to purchase the download. In your instruction email, It’s shown as the User Name along with a unique, case-sensitive password. You can use this same password for any future purchases, or the new password you receive with each purchase.

On the download page, each file has a button. It may take a few seconds for the download to start, so please be patient. Each time you click the button, you use up one of your three download attempts. If you need more download attempts, just email us.